Monday, September 22, 2008

skull pot-holders

I've spent all weekend making these and I must confess I love them! I love home crafts and "nesting" in general so anything that puts a quirky edge on those activities is so me.

I began this little project as a way to teach myself to read crochet graphs (I have a large butterfly afghan project to undertake) and quickly fell in love with it. My first completed skull potholder was in pink and white. I next did the pink and yellow - and then it hit me.... could variegated yarn look like confetti and therefore create a Dia de los Muertos skull pot-holer... I next made my two "confetti" potholders and have plans to make many more with all of the kitchen cotton I have laying around.

The pattern is from Debbie Stroller's Stitch N' Bitch - one of my all time favorite crochet pattern books.


yotababy said...

I think my fave is the pink and yellow one--so cute!!!

bobbye said...

thanks girl!

cindybmw2004 said...

from the "ville". I love those...I still can't figure out the directions for color work in crochet. I've printed off the directions, etc...but lost. Good work! :)